Equity Funding Sources

Equity financing comes from six sources.

8 min read

The selling of a company's stock to raise funds is known as "equity financing." As a result of acquiring stock, investors get a stake in the firm. Various types of equity instruments may be sold for equity financing, including ordinary stock, preferred stock, share warrants, and more. When a firm is just getting started, equity funding is essential for purchasing plant assets and early operational costs. Dividends and growth in an investor's stock value are the two most common ways investors profit.

Equity financing comes from six sources.

Businesses may get equity funding in a variety of methods. Equity financing may be obtained through a variety of sources, including:

Angel investors in small and medium-sized businesses.

It is common for affluent people to put money into high-growth enterprises and get a stake in the company as a reward. As part of a network, some BAs invest on their own. In addition to money, BAs provide their own expertise, knowledge, and connections to the organization. Angel investors are high-net-worth people who invest in startups because they believe in their long-term potential for greater profits. In the long run, the organization benefits from the expertise, experience, and connections that the employees bring to the table.

Venture capital

Private equity financing is another name for venture capital. Venture capitalists (VCs) invest more money in a startup than private equity investors (PEI). Businesses that want to be sold or listed on a stock exchange often employ venture financing. Investors from venture capital businesses fund startups that they believe will develop swiftly and ultimately be listed on stock exchanges. They provide more money and have a more significant stake in the company than angel investors. Private equity funding is another term for this technique.

Crowdfunding financing

When many individuals pool their resources to support your company or concept, this is known as "crowdfunding." To assist you in accomplishing your financial target, this money is pooled. In most cases, the people who support your proposal will be rewarded financially or other benefits. Many individuals in the general public may invest in the firm via crowdfunding sites, which enable them to do so for a small amount of money. Investors put their money into firms they believe in to see a return on their investment. A goal total is reached by summing up the public's donations.

Investing in a company's future (EIS)

The EIS may be used by certain small businesses to raise money. Small businesses that engage in a particular line of business are eligible for the programme. In terms of tax benefits for investors in these enterprises, the buyer of the shares receives an income tax reduction of 30 per cent on the purchase price of the shares.

EIS shares may be used to delay capital gains tax (CGT) on the sale of other assets.

The HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) EIS advice outlines the requirements for a firm to qualify as a qualifying business and for an investment to be subject to tax relief.

Financing Schemes through an Alternative Platform

If you're unable to get bank financing for your small company, there is a new government programme in which the UK's largest banks will share information about any enterprises they have refused with three other financial institutions. Equity financing is a viable alternative to borrowing money from banks for businesses. If a business doesn't qualify for large bank loans, angel investors, venture capital companies, and crowdfunding platforms may be able to contribute cash. Equity financing is considered less hazardous than debt financing in this circumstance since the company does not have to return to its investors. Investors tend to look at the long term and don't expect a speedy return on their investment. The company's operational cash flow might be reinvested in the company's growth instead of being used to pay down debt and accrue interest.

The stock exchange

A method of raising equity capital is to join a public market or stock market. A company's ability to generate money for expansion and development might be aided by its listing on the stock market. The management of a corporation may also benefit from equity funding. Some investors want to become engaged in the day-to-day running of a firm and are genuinely driven to help it expand. As a result of their outstanding pasts, they can provide vital help in commercial contacts, management abilities and access to additional funding sources. Many business angels and venture capital firms will benefit from this strategy. It is absolutely crucial for the first several years of a company's existence.


Equity financing is more expensive than debt financing as a long-term investment strategy. To put it another way, investors want a far greater interest rate than lenders do. Investors are willing to take a greater risk to get a more significant return.

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